Sunday, January 23, 2011


 I knew that when I started my blog that my life wasn't THAT interesting and finding something to write about everyday might be a challenge.  I will try to be a bit better about at least posting something everyday from now on.  I know the kids do something worthy of a blog post each day!

Monday I met with the Host Team Coordinator at LifeChurch to get plugged in to serving.  I served this morning at the 10am experience and really enjoyed.  I think if I could, I would serve at every experience.  I love helping and interacting with people.  I love the fact that maybe my greeting them in the morning may add a little happiness or brightness to their day.  God is doing such great things with me right now!  I LOVE IT!!

Tuesday we got the call we had been waiting for.  My MIL called to let us know that my SIL, who was preggo with twin baby girls, was going to have them that day.

Avery Mia who weighed in at 5lbs 7oz and is 19in  long     


 Macy Michelle who weighed in at 6lbs 7in and 19 1/2in

YEAH!!!  I LOVE BABIES!!  I am a self professed baby hog so you can imagine how excited I am to see these sweet little babies!We did get some good snow though and the kids had a blast playing with their friends in it.  We can't wait to see them and love on them!!

My poor hubby was diagnosed with having Rosacea on Thursday!  Which in a nut shell means everything he loves and enjoys to eat and drink....he can't have!  I'm really going to have to be conscious about the things I make for meals now.  I hate this for him as he is having to learn new eating habits and really look at what is on a menu for what he can or can't have.....and I know it's frustrating.  Guess it's time to find some new recipes!  I have been praying about this for him that he finds patience in living with it.

We got some great snow this week as well.  The kids had a blast playing with their friends in it.  It was a challenge getting them to come in out of the cold though.  I know we only live in Oklahoma but I will always get them some ski bibs so they can enjoy it and not get too cold!

Saturday night was my second week to serve in LifeKids.  Not as many kids this week but still so great! It is so amazing all these little faces and the things that come out of their mouths.  Now...I have a almost 3 and 4 year old and the kids I have in my class are this age.  It's hard to remember that my kiddos are about the same age as these little guys sometimes.  Watching them during their worship time is so great!  They sing and answer when asked questions.  They listen!  So much fun!  I snapped a few pics with my phone while they were singing and dancing during their worship time!

Craig, our Pastor, is doing a series on I QUIT.  Last week started with "I Quit using excuses" and this week was "I Quit with complaining".  I have been asking God to show me patience in many areas.  The kids, my marriage, my life in general I guess.  I guess today was His way of hitting me over the head again...another "duh" moment!  Instead of complaining about the kids and how they may be driving me crazy, be thankful that they are here being born premature and healthy.  There are certain "areas" though that I don't know if they are necessarily "complaints" but concerns or frustrations.  I don't know how to feel or approach these "areas".  Guess I just need to keep asking Him and he will show me!!

Happy Sunday everyone!  Here is to another week!

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