Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy Week!

So...It may seem as though I am slacking at this blogging thing....and maybe I am a little bit!

We had a busy week though!  Lot's of things going on!  Tuesday was the kids first dentist appointment.  It went ok!!  I think I set my expectations a little too high for my almost 3 and 4 year old!!  But they did great considering it was a whole new experience for them!  No cavities....YEAH!!!

We really enjoyed the weather the rest of the week!  It was so beautiful outside.  Really wish we would have thought ahead and made a zoo trip!!  But we had a play date Thursday so they were able to play hard and enjoy the outdoors!

Birthday season has begun!!  My group of girlfriends and I all have kids the same age.  Starting the end of January through at least July it seems there is a birthday party every 2 weeks!  It is so awesome watching these kiddos though that we have known since birth and see them grow up playing together.  I am so blessed to have the girlfriend/friends that I have.  Don't know what I would do without them!

LifeKids was again great as usual!!  I just love these little faces and seeing what God is doing through them.  The way they sit so intently listening to the lesson and watching them sing and dance is a riot!!  LOVE IT!!  I am trying a new age next week!  Headed to Under the Sea which is 3 year olds!  Can't wait!

We are supposed to be getting some crazy snow this week.  Mom and I ran to the grocery store yesterday after church and stocked up and the essentials so if we got snowed in we had lots of goodies!  It was crazy!  Lots of people stocking up and the shelves were looking very bare!  

Really hoping the snow melts quickly this week!!  Really needing a date night with my hubby!  Seems like we don't get a lot of time just the two of us.  I love our babies more than anything and can't imagine what our lives would be like without them.  When you spend 24/7 with them though you start to feel like there is never a moment where you can reconnect with the person you started your family with to begin with.  I am REALLY needing and wanting some quality time with my hubby!  Would even love a long weekend getaway!  But...not sure that is going to happen anytime soon!  Oh well!  Hopefully I can get a date night!  

Really asking God for a lot of guidance right now for several friends going through a lot of tough times.  
Jobs, divorce, sickness, anger, etc...seems to be a lot of it actually around me!  I am finding it to be slightly overwhelming.  Wish I had words of wisdom or that they would dig deep and ask for guidance themselves.  I hope they are!!  My heart hurts for these people I care so deeply about. 
Also, ran into a couple yesterday with the most adorable little baby girl!  She was very small and looked very jaundice!  She needs a liver transplant and is only 6 months.  She was such a happy little one too!  The mom told me that she didn't look like it but she is VERY sick.  BROKE MY HEART!!  I wish there was more I could have said or done for this family whom I only chatted with for 5 minutes.  But what do you say?!?  I told them that they were in my thoughts and prayers.  

Basically, a lot of situations have come to light and really makes me wonder what I am complaining about.  I have everything I need and really need nothing more!  We all want for more...bigger homes, cars, material items.  But we are so fortunate to have what we do have.  I know that God will provide us with what we need and I am so thankful to Him for that! I am going to try again this week to be on top of my blogging!  No excuses this time!

1 comment:

  1. Hoping the snow melts quickly and that you get that date night with Justin! Being at home with the kids is amazing, but date nights are the best!
