Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy Week!

So...It may seem as though I am slacking at this blogging thing....and maybe I am a little bit!

We had a busy week though!  Lot's of things going on!  Tuesday was the kids first dentist appointment.  It went ok!!  I think I set my expectations a little too high for my almost 3 and 4 year old!!  But they did great considering it was a whole new experience for them!  No cavities....YEAH!!!

We really enjoyed the weather the rest of the week!  It was so beautiful outside.  Really wish we would have thought ahead and made a zoo trip!!  But we had a play date Thursday so they were able to play hard and enjoy the outdoors!

Birthday season has begun!!  My group of girlfriends and I all have kids the same age.  Starting the end of January through at least July it seems there is a birthday party every 2 weeks!  It is so awesome watching these kiddos though that we have known since birth and see them grow up playing together.  I am so blessed to have the girlfriend/friends that I have.  Don't know what I would do without them!

LifeKids was again great as usual!!  I just love these little faces and seeing what God is doing through them.  The way they sit so intently listening to the lesson and watching them sing and dance is a riot!!  LOVE IT!!  I am trying a new age next week!  Headed to Under the Sea which is 3 year olds!  Can't wait!

We are supposed to be getting some crazy snow this week.  Mom and I ran to the grocery store yesterday after church and stocked up and the essentials so if we got snowed in we had lots of goodies!  It was crazy!  Lots of people stocking up and the shelves were looking very bare!  

Really hoping the snow melts quickly this week!!  Really needing a date night with my hubby!  Seems like we don't get a lot of time just the two of us.  I love our babies more than anything and can't imagine what our lives would be like without them.  When you spend 24/7 with them though you start to feel like there is never a moment where you can reconnect with the person you started your family with to begin with.  I am REALLY needing and wanting some quality time with my hubby!  Would even love a long weekend getaway!  But...not sure that is going to happen anytime soon!  Oh well!  Hopefully I can get a date night!  

Really asking God for a lot of guidance right now for several friends going through a lot of tough times.  
Jobs, divorce, sickness, anger, etc...seems to be a lot of it actually around me!  I am finding it to be slightly overwhelming.  Wish I had words of wisdom or that they would dig deep and ask for guidance themselves.  I hope they are!!  My heart hurts for these people I care so deeply about. 
Also, ran into a couple yesterday with the most adorable little baby girl!  She was very small and looked very jaundice!  She needs a liver transplant and is only 6 months.  She was such a happy little one too!  The mom told me that she didn't look like it but she is VERY sick.  BROKE MY HEART!!  I wish there was more I could have said or done for this family whom I only chatted with for 5 minutes.  But what do you say?!?  I told them that they were in my thoughts and prayers.  

Basically, a lot of situations have come to light and really makes me wonder what I am complaining about.  I have everything I need and really need nothing more!  We all want for more...bigger homes, cars, material items.  But we are so fortunate to have what we do have.  I know that God will provide us with what we need and I am so thankful to Him for that! I am going to try again this week to be on top of my blogging!  No excuses this time!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


 I knew that when I started my blog that my life wasn't THAT interesting and finding something to write about everyday might be a challenge.  I will try to be a bit better about at least posting something everyday from now on.  I know the kids do something worthy of a blog post each day!

Monday I met with the Host Team Coordinator at LifeChurch to get plugged in to serving.  I served this morning at the 10am experience and really enjoyed.  I think if I could, I would serve at every experience.  I love helping and interacting with people.  I love the fact that maybe my greeting them in the morning may add a little happiness or brightness to their day.  God is doing such great things with me right now!  I LOVE IT!!

Tuesday we got the call we had been waiting for.  My MIL called to let us know that my SIL, who was preggo with twin baby girls, was going to have them that day.

Avery Mia who weighed in at 5lbs 7oz and is 19in  long     


 Macy Michelle who weighed in at 6lbs 7in and 19 1/2in

YEAH!!!  I LOVE BABIES!!  I am a self professed baby hog so you can imagine how excited I am to see these sweet little babies!We did get some good snow though and the kids had a blast playing with their friends in it.  We can't wait to see them and love on them!!

My poor hubby was diagnosed with having Rosacea on Thursday!  Which in a nut shell means everything he loves and enjoys to eat and drink....he can't have!  I'm really going to have to be conscious about the things I make for meals now.  I hate this for him as he is having to learn new eating habits and really look at what is on a menu for what he can or can't have.....and I know it's frustrating.  Guess it's time to find some new recipes!  I have been praying about this for him that he finds patience in living with it.

We got some great snow this week as well.  The kids had a blast playing with their friends in it.  It was a challenge getting them to come in out of the cold though.  I know we only live in Oklahoma but I will always get them some ski bibs so they can enjoy it and not get too cold!

Saturday night was my second week to serve in LifeKids.  Not as many kids this week but still so great! It is so amazing all these little faces and the things that come out of their mouths.  Now...I have a almost 3 and 4 year old and the kids I have in my class are this age.  It's hard to remember that my kiddos are about the same age as these little guys sometimes.  Watching them during their worship time is so great!  They sing and answer when asked questions.  They listen!  So much fun!  I snapped a few pics with my phone while they were singing and dancing during their worship time!

Craig, our Pastor, is doing a series on I QUIT.  Last week started with "I Quit using excuses" and this week was "I Quit with complaining".  I have been asking God to show me patience in many areas.  The kids, my marriage, my life in general I guess.  I guess today was His way of hitting me over the head again...another "duh" moment!  Instead of complaining about the kids and how they may be driving me crazy, be thankful that they are here being born premature and healthy.  There are certain "areas" though that I don't know if they are necessarily "complaints" but concerns or frustrations.  I don't know how to feel or approach these "areas".  Guess I just need to keep asking Him and he will show me!!

Happy Sunday everyone!  Here is to another week!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Update

Had a pretty great weekend!  Spent Friday night with Friends and the kids had a blast!  They always do really.  It was so fun to hear them laughing and talking with their friends.  It's just so crazy that all the babies that were born around the same time have grown to be such little people.  We, the moms, were hanging out talking just listening to them and were cracking up.  I just hope they continue these friendships as they go through life.

Saturday we had a nice lunch with Justin's parents.  Always great to see them since they live in the city and don't get to see them as often as we would like.  After lunch we drove out to Owasso and drove around a VERY nice neighborhood!  Oh to dream!!!  There are some very beautiful homes in this area and it's fun to look.  That is one thing that we do a lot as a family is drive around and look at homes all over Tulsa and the surrounding areas.  The kids actually enjoy it as well!

So part of my goals for 2011 is to get more involved in our church.  We attend LifeChurch and love it!!  So I have signed up to be a "Cast Member", this is what they call their volunteers in the LifeKids area.  I am doing Saturday nights so it doesn't interfere with Sunday family church and time.  It was so much fun!!  There were 41 kids ages 3-4!!!  That's a lot of kids!!  BUT....they were so good!  They would get crazy running around at times but once it was time to start worship time and watch the DVD as well as do their project they were quiet and listened.  So awesome what God is doing in these little ones and I get to be a part of it!!!  I do have to talk about one little girl in particular that I swear stole my heart!  Her name is Bella, what a doll!  She had the sweetest face and this dark hair that was in a bob.  A very angelic face!!  At one point she was upset about something and wouldn't say much.  I still don't know what made her cry but I just wanted to make her feel better.  She attached herself to me, as I think I did to her!  Hate to say it but she is probably going to be my "teachers pet"!!  I just kept thinking that Lincoln and Lauren would just love her and love to play with her.  May have to take Lincoln up with me sometime so they can meet!  Look at me....3 almost 4 and already trying to set him up with a nice girl!! HAHA!!!  I kid!!  I will post some pics from next weekend!  I can't wait to see their faces again!!

Sunday was another great day!  I was tired, Lincoln woke up at 4:30am and had had an accident and of course Justin didn't hear anything so I got to change sheets by myself.  But I wanted to go to church and enjoy the day.  I had to back out on my mom though on going to see a show at the PAC...Burn the Floor...looked really good but I just don't know if my eyes would have stayed open!  Had a nice lunch with Justin's parents again on their way back to the city and then we headed home.  Laundry was in my future!!!  After we got the kids down to bed for the night we crawled into bed and watched the Golden Globes.  We knew most of the movies so we didn't feel out of the loop.  Excited Glee won!  LOVE GLEE!!!  Also, guess we need to watch the Social Network.  Won a bunch of awards and looks really good!

On a spiritual note....I feel God reaching people right now in so many ways.  They are praying and asking Him for His guidance and He is speaking to them.  And...they are hearing Him!!  He is doing so many great things right now in me and I know He will continue to do so.  My hope is that several people, whom I love and are a very important part of my life, will start to make the changes as well in their life.  I am meeting with another girl today at LifeChurch to get more involved and see where I am needed!  I am so excited!  I hope that Justin will start to get involved as well!  What a great and awesome example would that be for our kids and what an impact that would have on our marriage!  I am hopeful!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Good Day!

I woke up this morning not knowing how the day was going to go or what was going to happen.  I knew I there were some errands I needed to run and was going to have to take the kids with me, which I try not to do very often as a quick in and out stop turns into a longer stop than necessary.  Either way....I didn't know what was going to happen today or how I would feel at the end of it!  So I got myself and the kids ready and ventured out into the world.  For some reason I made an unconscious, and I say unconscious because it didn't even occur to me until this evening, that I was going to enjoy every moment with my kids today.  Control my impatience and not let the fighting, whining and other "joys" of having 2 toddlers get to me.  I seriously enjoyed every waking moment with them!!  I loved today and can honestly say that today was the best day I've had in awhile!  Some other things happened today that I feel my prayers and God's mysterious workings are taking form.  Lots of hurt and anger out there and if we would just talk to Him and ask Him for guidance and show us the path we are supposed to take I believe He will show you.  You have to be open and receptive to the possibility that it may not go exactly the way you think it will or want,'s not supposed to be easy.  But believing in Him and His path for each of us the key!  
I was in a situation today that I feel I was supposed to be there for a reason.  I hope the people I love so dearly open their hearts, start to heal and make a decision on the path that is right for them and in which He is directing them towards.  Believe me I have my own "crap", but feel I am learning so much about myself and how I can take my own advice when being there for a friend.  All I can say is WOW!!  As Oprah would say an "Ah Ha" moment.  Think I've had a lot of those lately!  I have so much faith in what he is doing through me right now.  I feel like he is guiding my on my path and I am starting to feel at peace with myself and where I am going!  God is good!!!
Lauren had ballet tonight and she is doing so great in class.  Really participating, which was a challenge at first, but she is really into it now.  I LOVE IT!!  She has a recital in May and it will be so cool to see her dance her very first recital on the same stage that I danced my last my senior year with the same teacher.  Talk about full circle!  It is so awesome to see my little girl and think that this is maybe how my mom felt when she watched me as a little girl in my tutu, leotard and ballet shoes watching me dance around a studio and on stage.  I cherish these moments and times and don't want to miss or forget a moment because it's important and I know she will remember that I was there.  Really need to find something for Lincoln!  I like the golf or tennis route!!  Less contact the better! HAHA!!!  I don't want my baby to get hurt!  I kid!  Just need to get him involved.  Since he starts Pre-K in the fall....*gulp**tear*....I will have a better idea of what is available and maybe something he will like.

So I end with was not just a good was a GREAT day!  Not that seeing dear friends, people I love so much, go through a struggle makes it great but that maybe they are starting to heal and get on a spiritual path that will help them along the way.  I feel this is what He has in mind for me.  I feel that this is MY path and I love it!  He is going to do great things through me and I hope that doesn't sound arrogant!  I truly believe it!  I am so excited about it!!  So....I feel great about today and am looking forward to what tomorrow brings!  

Much love to you all!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some pics!

So my wonderful MIL has asked that I post pics!  I need to take some updated ones but here are a few from the last couple of months!

 This is at the Pediatricians office!  What a great idea, huh?!?
 Took them to see Barney
 Too cute!
 At Dry Gulch on the Christmas Train.  Very cool!
 It was cold but they had a blast!
 So proud of my brother and SIL!  They had their first beautiful baby December 20.  Lilly Nicole!
 Princess time!

 Lincoln wanted to dance with her
 Some cuddle time with Lilly!  Love her!
 Slumber party in Aunt Shay's bed!  6 kiddos in a king size bed!
 Good boy!  LOL!!
 Shelby, Mallory, Kaylee and Lauren with their ballet teacher Miss Shelly!  She was my dance teacher as well!  An amazing woman!
 Sticker time!
Lauren in her Christmas program

My babies!

Well...I guess they aren't really babies anymore :(  Lincoln will be 4 in March and Lauren will be 3 in April.  They are so much fun right now.  I love listening to them have conversations and watching their interactive play.  Don't get me wrong...with them being to close in age they definitely fight like brother and sister but they also love like brother and sister.  What has really made me proud is the things they are learning at school about Jesus and prayer.  We have been really bad about praying with them before bed but I have made it an important part of their bedtime routine.  We say the prayer that my parents always said with me when I was little as well as our blessings.  Some of you may not know but Lincoln is obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with orange garbage trucks.  Not sure why but he is.  I had to share our nightly conversation when going to bed:

Lincoln and I say our prayer and then thank God for family and friends and our blessings.  Lincoln then says "and orange garbage trucks".  I try to tell him that was a gift from Santa and we thank God for more important things, ie. food, warm homes, etc.  He then says "and orange garbage trucks".  I chuckle a little about it.  It's something that is important to him I guess.  I struggle with is this right but I can't take the innocence of my sweet boy being thankful for something that makes him so happy!  So I say "and orange garbage trucks"!  I am waiting for Lauren to say she is thankful for her princess dresses or dolls!  Oh to be a child again and not have the weight and worries of the world!  

These babies, and yes they will always be my babies, are so resilient to what happens around them.  I want to protect them from so many things but let them experience life and make their own choices, appropriate ones for their age that is.  I know I have to allow them to fail because that is how they learn.  A very dear friend of mine recommended a book to me, "Parenting with Love and Logic".  I haven't read much of it yet but what I have read has been very insightful and is showing me a different approach than what I was taught or grew up with.  Not that the way I was raised was a bad way.  I learned a lot from my parents and was shown love and taught very well.  Just different times call for different ways!

My favorite time of day is in the evenings when we are done eating and after they are ready for bed we turn on music in the living room and have a dance party!  It's awesome!  And I like to think my children get their rhythm from me.  Lord knows their daddy can't dance!!  hehe!  It's a blast!  I highly recommend having a dance party with your kids!  It's a crack up!  And a good work out!  

My other favorite time is after prayer and I kiss them goodnight we have a special thing we do.  Butterfly, eskimo, real!  Butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses and kisses on the lips!  They love it and laugh which is priceless!  I hope I am making memories that they will remember and carry on to their children someday.

I am so proud of my to kiddos and all that they have become.  Both being premature and exceeding my expectations in their development and character!  I like to think that I am doing a pretty good job of raising 2 well rounded kids who will grow to be exceptional teenagers and adults!  Fingers crossed the teenage years don't kill me!  LOL!!!

I hope you all are enjoying you "hump" day!  I did something for me today...a wonderful facial by a wonderful woman!  Dana Rowe with Relax and Wax!  She has her own business and does it out of her home.  Highly recommend!  Enjoyed my hour long facial and much needed waxing.  Let me know if you want her info!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soooo....I have for years thought about starting a blog.  Not until recently have I decided that I'm not letting anything hold me back...from anything!  So this is just one of the many things that I have said I am going to do, and I'm going to do it!  It's probably for more of my own benefit than anyone else's but I am feeling the need to get things out and on!?!

Recently, I have been feeling a HUGE nudge from God to take a different path in my life.  Life has been dealing me a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT, of challenges lately and I am not sure that I have made the best choices on how I have dealt with them.  I am feeling quite emotional, and I start crying every time I start to think or talk about it, but I truly believe that is God's way of hitting me over the head like "DUH"!!!  I'm hoping that this blog will be a reminder to myself of this and start on the path of self healing and positive change.  I know my own selfishness, not anyone holding me back, has kept me from making these changes in my life.  There are a lot of things that I want to do for not just me but for my family.  Make ME a better person and I believe I can be a better mom and wife.  Now, I don't think I am a bad mom or wife but I know there is room for improvement.  I think a lot of people think that way, I hope I'm not the only one!  I hope that maybe I can help other people who think the same way that I am and make changes as well! start this blog off I am going to make a list of things that are my goals for what I want to happen in 2011 in my life!  Hopefully with Gods guidance, lots of prayer and the support of family and friends 2011 can be the best year yet!


1 - become a fully devoted follower of Christ
2 - lead my children as well as others to become fully devoted followers of Christ
3 - heal my marriage
4 - give back to the community
5 - become a better friend and sister
6 - dedicate myself to becoming healthier and making healthier choices
7 - involving myself as much as possible in our Church

I'm sure there will be more added as time goes on!!  But...anyway...that's a start!!

So for now I leave you with this - this is who I am, this is my ride!  I hope you can benefit through my Journey in finding my self, my faith and my future!  It may not make sense sometimes....but's my thoughts and my blog!  hehe!!

Love to all!